The Ultimate Salesforce Einstein AI Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate Salesforce Einstein AI Cheat Sheet

Salesforce Einstein AI is transforming the way businesses operate by infusing artificial intelligence into various facets of their operations. Whether it’s enhancing customer service, boosting sales productivity, or optimizing marketing strategies, Salesforce Einstein offers a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools to help businesses thrive.

In this ultimate cheat sheet, we break down the key components and functionalities of Salesforce Einstein AI across different domains.

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Einstein for Service

Einstein for Service revolutionizes customer support with intelligent automation and insights. Here are the primary features:

  • Einstein Bots: Automate customer interactions to provide quick and accurate responses to common inquiries.
  • Einstein Case Classification: Automatically classify cases to route them to the right agents.
  • Einstein Case Routing: Ensure that cases are directed to the most suitable agent based on their expertise and workload.
  • Einstein Case Wrap-Up: Streamline the case closure process with automated summaries and next steps.
  • Einstein Article Recommendations: Suggest relevant articles to agents to resolve cases faster.
  • Einstein Reply Recommendations: Provide agents with suggested responses to common customer questions.
  • Einstein Work Summaries: Generate summaries of customer interactions and cases for better context and follow-up.
  • Service AI Grounding: Enhance the accuracy and relevance of AI-driven recommendations and responses.
  • Einstein Service Replies: Automate responses to routine customer service emails.
  • Einstein Knowledge Creation: Create and update knowledge base articles automatically based on case resolutions.
  • Einstein Next Best Action: Recommend the next best steps for agents to take in resolving customer issues.
  • Einstein Recommendation Builder: Customize and build AI-driven recommendations tailored to your service processes.

Einstein Copilot Service Actions:

  • Conversation Summaries: Summarize customer conversations for quick reference.
  • Knowledge Answers: Provide accurate answers from your knowledge base.
  • Custom Actions: Create custom automated actions to enhance service efficiency.

Generative AI:

  • Service AI Grounding: Improve the grounding of AI responses for better accuracy.
  • Search Answers for Agents and Customers: Facilitate quick search answers for both agents and customers.
  • Knowledge Creation: Automate the creation of knowledge articles.
  • Service Replies: Generate automated service replies to common queries.
  • Work Summaries: Create detailed summaries of work and interactions.
  • Generative AI Surveys: Design and distribute AI-generated surveys for customer feedback.

Also Read – Einstein Generative AI Features Across Salesforce Clouds – The Ultimate Guide

Einstein for Sales

Einstein for Sales empowers sales teams with AI-driven insights and automation, enhancing productivity and decision-making. Key features include:

  • Einstein Lead Scoring: Score leads based on their likelihood to convert.
  • Einstein Opportunity Scoring: Prioritize opportunities based on their potential to close.
  • Einstein Activity Capture: Automatically log sales activities to ensure accurate records.
  • Einstein Automated Contacts: Auto-create contact records from emails and calendar events.
  • Einstein Forecasting: Predict future sales performance with AI-driven forecasts.
  • Einstein Conversation Insights: Gain insights from sales conversations to improve strategies.
  • Einstein Activity Metrics: Track and measure sales activities for better performance management.
  • Einstein Email Insights: Analyze email interactions to optimize communication strategies.
  • Einstein Relationship Insights: Understand and manage relationships with key stakeholders.
  • Einstein Next Best Action: Recommend the next best steps for sales reps to close deals.
  • Buyer Assistant: Provide sales reps with real-time assistance and recommendations.
  • Einstein Recommended Connections: Suggest new connections that could lead to potential sales opportunities.


Einstein Copilot Sales Actions:

  • Find Similar Opportunities: Identify opportunities similar to successful ones.
  • Send Meeting Request: Automate the scheduling of sales meetings.
  • Draft & Revise Sales Emails: Generate and refine sales email drafts.
  • Call Explorer: Analyze and optimize sales call strategies.
  • Sales Summaries: Summarize sales activities and interactions.
  • Forecast Guidance: Provide guidance on sales forecasts.
  • Meeting Follow Up: Automate follow-up actions after sales meetings.
  • Close Plan: Develop detailed plans for closing deals.
  • Custom Actions: Create custom automated sales actions.

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Generative AI:

  • Automatic Contact Enhancements: Automatically enrich contact information.
  • Call Summaries: Generate summaries of sales calls.
  • Call Explorer: Provide insights and recommendations for sales calls.
  • Sales Signals: Detect and act on key sales signals.
  • Generative Conversation Insights: Generate insights from sales conversations.
  • Einstein Sales Emails: Create AI-generated sales emails.
  • Sales Summaries: Summarize sales activities.
  • Sales Emails for Partners: Generate sales emails tailored for partners.

Einstein for Marketing

Einstein for Marketing empowers marketers with AI-driven insights to optimize campaigns, engage customers, and enhance marketing effectiveness. Key features include:

  • Einstein Engagement Scoring: Score customer engagement to prioritize efforts.
  • Einstein Messaging Insights: Analyze messaging performance and optimize communications.
  • Einstein Send Time Optimization: Determine the best time to send messages for maximum engagement.
  • Einstein Engagement Frequency: Optimize how often to engage customers to avoid fatigue.
  • Einstein Copy Insights: Gain insights into the effectiveness of marketing copy.
  • Einstein Splits: Test different marketing strategies to find the most effective approach.
  • Einstein Behavior Scoring: Score customer behaviors to predict future actions.
  • Einstein Campaign Insights: Analyze campaign performance to optimize strategies.
  • Einstein Marketing Insights: Gain comprehensive insights into marketing performance.
  • Einstein Content Selection: Automatically select the best content for each customer.
  • Einstein Content Testing: Test content variations to determine effectiveness.
  • Einstein Content Tagging: Automatically tag content for better organization and retrieval.
  • Einstein Email Recommendations: Suggest the best emails to send based on customer behavior.
  • Einstein Web Recommendations: Provide personalized web content recommendations.
  • Einstein Scoring Splits: Analyze different scoring models for customer segmentation.
  • Einstein Lookalikes: Identify and target customers similar to your best ones.
  • Content Creation Marketing Cloud Engagement: Enhance content creation within the Marketing Cloud.
  • Einstein Social Insights: Gain insights from social media interactions.
  • Einstein Vision for Social Studio: Use AI to analyze social media images.
  • Einstein Segmentation: Automatically segment customers for targeted marketing.
  • Einstein Journey Insights: Analyze customer journeys to improve engagement.
  • Einstein CDIM: Centralize customer data for more effective marketing.

Generative AI:

  • Einstein Assistant: AI-powered assistant to enhance marketing tasks.
  • Subject Line & Body Copy Generation: Generate compelling subject lines and body copy for emails.
  • Co-Create Campaigns: Collaborate with AI to create effective marketing campaigns.

Einstein for Commerce

Einstein for Commerce enhances the shopping experience with personalized recommendations and insights. Key features include:

  • Smart Promotions: Automate and optimize promotional offers.
  • SEO Metadata: Improve search engine optimization with AI-driven metadata.
  • Copilot for Shoppers: Assist shoppers with AI-driven recommendations.
  • Returns Insights: Analyze return data to improve products and processes.
  • Einstein GPT for Commerce: Leverage AI-generated content for commerce applications.
  • Einstein Search Recommendations: Provide personalized search recommendations.
  • Einstein Search Suggestions: Suggest relevant search terms to shoppers.
  • Einstein Commerce Insights: Gain insights into shopping behaviors and trends.
  • Einstein Predictive Sort: Sort products based on predicted customer preferences.
  • Einstein Complete The Set: Recommend complementary products to complete a set.
  • Einstein Commerce Insights: Analyze commerce data for better decision-making.
  • Einstein Search Dictionaries: Enhance search accuracy with custom dictionaries.
  • Einstein Profile Data Connector: Connect and analyze profile data for personalized experiences.
  • Semantic Search: Improve search results with semantic understanding.
  • Einstein Recommendations API: Integrate personalized recommendations into your commerce platform.
  • Einstein Product Recommendations: Provide personalized product recommendations to shoppers.

Generative AI:

  • Return Insights: Generate insights from return data.
  • Product Fields: Enhance product information with AI.
  • Smart Promotions: Optimize promotions with AI-driven insights.
  • Commerce Concierge: Provide personalized shopping assistance.

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Einstein Copilot Actions

  • Answer Questions with Knowledge: Automatically provide accurate answers using knowledge base articles.
  • Draft or Revise Sales Email: Generate and refine sales email drafts to improve communication.
  • Explore Conversation: Analyze and gain insights from customer and sales conversations.
  • Find Similar Opportunities: Identify sales opportunities similar to successful ones.
  • Get Forecast Guidance: Receive AI-driven guidance on sales forecasts.
  • Identify Object by Name: Quickly find and identify objects within Salesforce by name.
  • Identify Record by Name: Locate specific records within Salesforce by name.
  • Query Records (Beta): Query records using AI-driven insights (currently in beta).
  • Query Records with Aggregate (Beta): Perform aggregate queries on records (currently in beta).
  • Summarize Record: Generate summaries of records for quick reference.
  • Create Close Plan: Develop detailed plans for closing sales deals.
  • Send Meeting Request: Automate the scheduling of sales and customer meetings.
  • Custom Actions: Create and automate custom actions tailored to specific needs.

Einstein CRM Analytics

  • Analytics Studio: A comprehensive analytics platform for visualizing and analyzing data.
  • Einstein Discovery: Use AI to uncover insights and predictive analytics.
  • Text Clustering: Automatically cluster and categorize text data.
  • Live Prediction with Snowflake: Integrate live predictive analytics with Snowflake data warehouse.
  • Model Inspector: Inspect and understand AI models used in predictions.
  • Model Queuing: Manage and queue multiple AI models for efficient processing.
  • Einstein Prediction Builder: Create custom AI predictions without needing to code.
  • Data Platform: A robust platform for managing and analyzing large datasets.

Platform AI

Platform AI empowers developers and admins with tools to integrate and utilize AI across the Salesforce platform. Key features include:

  • Einstein Prediction Builder: Create custom AI predictions tailored to your business needs without any coding required.
  • Einstein Recommendation Builder: Develop personalized recommendation systems to enhance customer experiences.
  • Einstein for Developers: Provide developers with tools and APIs to embed AI capabilities into applications.
  • Einstein for Flows: Integrate AI predictions and recommendations into Salesforce Flows to automate business processes.
  • Einstein Next Best Action: Offer intelligent, context-aware recommendations for the next best action in various scenarios.
  • Einstein Search: Leverage AI-powered search capabilities for more accurate and relevant search results within Salesforce.
  • Einstein for Formulas: Use AI to enhance and optimize Salesforce formulas for better business logic and decision-making.
  • Einstein 1 Studio: A development environment for building and deploying AI models and applications within Salesforce.
  • Copilot Builder: Create and customize AI-driven copilot assistants to help users navigate and utilize Salesforce more efficiently.
  • Prompt Builder: Develop and fine-tune AI prompts to guide user interactions and improve AI responses.
  • Model Builder: Build, train, and deploy custom AI models tailored to specific business requirements.

With these powerful tools, businesses can seamlessly integrate AI into their operations, enhancing efficiency, decision-making, and customer satisfaction.


Salesforce Einstein AI offers an extensive range of tools designed to enhance various aspects of your business, from customer service and sales to marketing and commerce. By leveraging these AI-driven features, you can improve efficiency, make data-driven decisions, and provide personalized experiences for your customers.

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