Salesforce B2B Commerce Implementation Guide 2024

Salesforce B2B Commerce Implementation Guide 2024

In today’s digital age, businesses increasingly use e-commerce solutions to streamline operations and reach a wider customer base. The rapid advancement of technology and the digital space is propelling the worldwide business-to-business (B2B) online commerce sector toward an astonishing projected value of nearly $21 trillion within the next year. This prediction highlights the tremendous opportunities for expansion and success that await enterprises actively participating in the B2B digital marketplace.

An overwhelming majority—four out of five—of B2B purchasers are now using their smartphones and tablets during work hours to conduct research and make purchases. These buyers leverage approximately 10 different sales channels when gathering information about products or services. While this number has not changed significantly over the past several years, a discernible trend towards mobile-centric channels indicates a growing preference for mobile platforms in the B2B buying process.

In this blog post, we will explore Salesforce B2B Commerce implementation’s features, benefits, and best practices. Whether you’re a business looking to establish your online presence or optimize your existing B2B e-commerce operations, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights and actionable tips to help you succeed in the digital marketplace.

What is Salesforce B2B Commerce? 

Salesforce B2B Commerce is a robust, cloud-based e-commerce solution designed to meet business-to-business (B2B) companies’ unique needs. Built on the Salesforce platform, it empowers businesses to create and manage their online stores, streamline complex B2B selling processes, and deliver a seamless, personalized customer buying experience.

Key features of Salesforce B2B Commerce include:

  1. Catalog management: Salesforce B2B Commerce provides a centralized platform for managing product catalogs, including complex product attributes, pricing, and inventory levels. Businesses can easily organize their products into categories, create custom attributes, and manage multiple catalogs for customer segments or brands.
  2. Personalized experiences: The platform enables businesses to create personalized customer shopping experiences. This includes customer-specific pricing, custom catalogs, and personalized product recommendations based on a customer’s purchase history or account profile.
  3. Self-service capabilities: Salesforce B2B Commerce offers features that allow customers to place orders easily, track shipments, view order history, and manage their accounts online. This reduces the workload on sales teams and empowers customers to manage their purchasing process.
  4. Complex pricing and ordering: B2B selling often involves complex pricing structures, such as tiered pricing, volume discounts, and contract-based pricing. Salesforce B2B Commerce supports these intricate pricing models and features like quote management, bulk ordering, and quick reordering, making it easy for businesses to handle complex B2B transactions.
  5. Multi-channel support: The platform supports multi-channel selling, allowing businesses to seamlessly manage orders and customer interactions across various channels, including web, mobile, sales teams, and customer service.
  6. Integration capabilities: Salesforce B2B Commerce can be easily integrated with other solutions, such as Sales Cloud (CRM), Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud. This enables businesses to leverage their existing customer data, automate processes, and gain a holistic view of their customers across all touchpoints.
  7. Customization and extensibility: The platform is highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor the look and feel of their online store to match their brand identity. Additionally, Salesforce B2B Commerce can be extended with custom functionality using Salesforce’s Lightning Web Components framework or by leveraging pre-built apps from the Salesforce AppExchange.

By leveraging Salesforce B2B Commerce’s power, businesses can digitally transform their B2B selling processes, improve operational efficiency, and deliver an exceptional online buying experience. 


Why use Salesforce for B2B e-commerce?

  1. Scalability: Salesforce B2B Commerce is built on a scalable architecture that can handle large volumes of transactions and data, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes.
  2. Customization: The platform offers a high degree of customization, allowing businesses to tailor their online stores to their specific needs and branding requirements.
  3. Integration: Salesforce B2B Commerce seamlessly integrates with other Salesforce Cloud Solutions, such as Salesforce CRM, enabling businesses to leverage their existing customer data and streamline their operations.
  4. Mobile-friendly: The platform is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring customers can access your online store anytime.

How can Salesforce B2B Commerce transform your business operations?

  1. Streamlined order management: With Salesforce B2B Commerce, businesses can automate their order processing, from initial quote to final invoice, reducing manual errors and improving efficiency.
  2. Personalized customer experience: The platform allows businesses to create customer-specific product catalogs, pricing, and promotions, providing a tailored shopping experience for each customer.
  3. Enhanced collaboration: Salesforce B2B Commerce enables seamless collaboration between sales teams and customers, with features like shared shopping carts and real-time order tracking.
  4. Increased sales and revenue: By providing a user-friendly and personalized online shopping experience, businesses can attract and retain more customers, ultimately increasing sales and revenue.

How to implement Salesforce B2B Commerce?

  1. Define your business requirements: Before embarking on a Salesforce B2B Commerce implementation, it is crucial to identify your specific business needs and objectives.
  2. Choose the right implementation partner: Partnering with an experienced Salesforce implementation consultant can ensure a smooth and successful deployment of your e-commerce platform.
  3. Plan your data migration: Carefully migrate your existing product catalog, customer accounts, and order data into the Salesforce B2B Commerce platform.
  4. Customize and configure: Tailor the platform to your branding and business requirements, configuring features such as pricing rules, shipping options, and payment gateways.
  5. Test and launch: Thoroughly test your Salesforce B2B Commerce store before going live, ensuring all functionalities work as intended.

Best practices in Salesforce B2B Commerce implementation:

  1. Involve stakeholders: Engage key stakeholders from various departments, such as sales, marketing, and IT, to ensure the implementation aligns with your overall business strategy.
  2. Prioritize user experience: Focus on creating a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy for customers to navigate your online store and complete purchases.
  3. Leverage automation: Utilize the automation capabilities of Salesforce B2B Commerce to streamline processes such as order fulfillment, inventory management, and customer communication.
  4. Monitor and optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of your e-commerce platform, analyzing key metrics such as conversion rates and average order value, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your store.

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Salesforce B2B Commerce setup and configuration:

Let’s dive into the key aspects of Salesforce B2B Commerce setup and configuration.

Set up your product catalog:

  • Import your product data: Use Salesforce’s native import tools or third-party data integration solutions to import your product data into Salesforce B2B Commerce. Ensure your product data is clean, consistent, and complete before importing.
  • Organize products into categories: Create a logical structure to help customers navigate your online store easily. Use Salesforce’s category management tools to define parent-child relationships and create category-specific attributes.
  • Configure product attributes: Define custom attributes for your products, such as size, color, material, or technical specifications. Use these attributes to enable faceted search and help customers quickly find the needed products.
  • Set up product variations: If your products have multiple variations (e.g., different sizes or colors), use Salesforce’s product variation functionality to create a single product with multiple SKUs, simplifying catalog management.

Configure pricing and promotions:

  • Set up price books: Create price books in Salesforce B2B Commerce to manage pricing for different customer segments, regions, or channels. You can create multiple price books and assign them to specific customer groups or stores.
  • Define pricing rules: Configure complex pricing rules, such as tiered pricing based on order quantity, volume discounts, or customer-specific pricing. For more advanced pricing scenarios, use Salesforce’s native pricing tools or integrate with a CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) solution.
  • Create promotions: Set up promotional offers, such as discounts, free shipping, or bundle deals, to drive sales and customer engagement. Use Salesforce’s promotion management tools to define each promotion’s rules, duration, and target audience.

Customize the user interface:

  • Brand your store: Customize the look and feel of your Salesforce B2B Commerce store to align with your brand identity. Use Salesforce’s theme editor to modify colors, fonts, and layouts, or create custom CSS to tailor the design further.
  • Configure navigation and search: Set up intuitive navigation menus and search functionality to help customers find products easily. Use Salesforce’s built-in search engine or integrate with a third-party search solution like Elasticsearch or Algolia for advanced search capabilities.
  • Create custom pages and components: Use Salesforce’s drag-and-drop page builder to create custom pages, such as product detail pages, category pages, or content pages. Leverage Salesforce’s Lightning Web Components framework to build custom components and extend your store’s functionality.

Set up payment and shipping:

  • Configure payment gateways: Integrate your Salesforce B2B Commerce store with popular payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or to securely process customer payments. Configure payment rules, such as accepted payment methods and currency settings.
  • Define shipping methods: Set up shipping methods and rates based on factors like order weight, destination, or customer account. Integrate with shipping carriers like UPS, FedEx, or DHL to provide real-time shipping rates and tracking information.
  • Configure tax settings: Set up tax rules based on customer location, product type, or other criteria. Integrate with tax providers like Avalara or Vertex to automatically calculate and apply the correct tax rates for each order.

Set up customer accounts and permissions:

  • Define customer roles and permissions: Create and assign permissions to control access to specific features, such as order placement, invoice payment, or account management. For more complex scenarios, use Salesforce’s native user management tools or integrate with an external identity provider.
  • Configure account registration and login: Set up the account registration process, including required fields, password policies, and email verification. Configure login settings, such as single sign-on (SSO) or two-factor authentication (2FA), to ensure secure access to customer accounts.
  • Manage customer data: Use Salesforce’s customer data management tools to view, edit, and manage customer account information, such as billing and shipping addresses, payment methods, and order history.

Test and deploy your store:

  • Conduct thorough testing: Before launching your Salesforce B2B Commerce store, conduct extensive testing to ensure all features and functionalities work as expected. Test various scenarios, such as placing orders, applying promotions, and managing customer accounts, to identify and fix any issues.
  • Set up a staging environment: Use Salesforce’s sandbox environment to create a staging version of your store for testing and development purposes. This allows you to test changes and new features without affecting your live production environment.
  • Deploy to production: Once your store has been thoroughly tested and all necessary configurations have been made, deploy your Salesforce B2B Commerce store to your production environment. Follow Salesforce’s deployment best practices to ensure a smooth and successful launch.

By carefully setting up and configuring your Salesforce B2B Commerce platform, you can create a robust and personalized online store that meets the unique needs of your B2B customers. Regular monitoring, maintenance, and optimization of your store will ensure that it continues to perform well and deliver a seamless customer buying experience.

Customizing Salesforce B2B Commerce:

  1. Extend functionality with apps: Leverage the Salesforce AppExchange to find and install pre-built apps that extend the functionality of your e-commerce platform, such as advanced search, product recommendations, and customer reviews.
  2. Develop custom components: If your business requires specific features not available out-of-the-box, consider developing custom components using Salesforce’s Lightning Web Components framework.
  3. Integrate with third-party systems: Connect your Salesforce B2B Commerce platform with other systems, such as your ERP, CRM, or marketing automation tools, to create a seamless and integrated business ecosystem.

How to integrate Salesforce B2B Commerce with ERP systems?

  1. Identify integration requirements: Determine which data points and processes, such as product information, inventory levels, and order data, need to be synchronized between your ERP system and Salesforce B2B Commerce.
  2. Choose an integration method: Select the most appropriate approach, such as using Salesforce’s built-in connectors, developing custom APIs, or leveraging third-party integration platforms like MuleSoft or Dell Boomi.
  3. Map data fields: Map the data fields between your ERP system and Salesforce B2B Commerce, ensuring the data is accurately transferred and synchronized between the two systems.
  4. Test and monitor: Thoroughly test the integration to ensure that data flows seamlessly between the systems, and continuously monitor the integration to identify and resolve any issues that may arise.

Optimizing performance in Salesforce B2B Commerce:

  1. Minimize page load times: Optimize your online store’s performance by minimizing page load times through techniques such as image compression, code minification, and content delivery networks (CDNs).
  2. Use caching: Leverage Salesforce’s built-in caching mechanisms, such as the Platform Cache and the Session Cache, to store frequently accessed data and reduce the load on your servers.
  3. Implement search optimization: Ensure that your product catalog is properly indexed and optimized for search, making it easy for customers to find the products they seek.
  4. Monitor and scale: Regularly monitor your e-commerce platform’s performance using tools like Salesforce’s Real-Time Event Monitoring, and scale your infrastructure as needed to handle increased traffic and transactions.

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Salesforce CRM integration:

  1. Sync customer data: Integrate your Salesforce B2B Commerce platform with Salesforce CRM to ensure that customer data is synchronized across both systems, providing a unified view of your customers.
  2. Enable personalization: Leverage Salesforce CRM’s rich customer data to personalize the shopping experience in your B2B Commerce store, such as displaying recommended products based on a customer’s purchase history.
  3. Empower sales teams: Provide your sales teams access to real-time order and customer data from your B2B Commerce platform directly within Salesforce CRM, enabling them to serve your customers better and drive sales.

Multi-channel marketing in B2B Commerce:

  1. Integrate with marketing automation: Connect your Salesforce B2B Commerce platform with marketing automation tools like Salesforce Marketing Cloud or Pardot to create targeted and personalized marketing campaigns across multiple channels.
  2. Leverage email marketing: Use email marketing to keep your customers engaged and informed about new products, promotions, and updates to your online store.
  3. Implement social media integrations: Integrate your B2B Commerce platform with social media channels to enable social sharing, customer reviews, and user-generated content, increasing brand awareness and engagement.


Implementing Salesforce B2B Commerce can revolutionize businesses’ operations, providing a powerful and scalable platform for managing online sales and customer relationships. By following best practices, customizing the platform to meet needs, and integrating it with other systems like ERP and CRM, businesses can create a seamless and efficient e-commerce ecosystem that drives growth and success in the digital age.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is Salesforce B2B Commerce, and how does it differ from other e-commerce platforms? 

Salesforce B2B Commerce is a cloud-based e-commerce solution for business-to-business (B2B) companies. Unlike traditional e-commerce platforms primarily focused on B2C (business-to-consumer) selling, Salesforce B2B Commerce offers features tailored to the unique needs of B2B businesses, such as complex pricing structures, personalized catalogs, and self-service account management.

2. Can Salesforce B2B Commerce integrate with my existing ERP or CRM systems? 

Yes, Salesforce B2B Commerce can be integrated with various ERP and CRM systems, including Salesforce’s Sales Cloud (CRM) and other third-party solutions. Integration allows for seamless data synchronization, streamlined processes, and a holistic view of your customers across all touchpoints.

3. How customizable is the Salesforce B2B Commerce platform? 

Salesforce B2B Commerce is highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor the look and feel of their online store to match their brand identity. The platform offers a range of customization options, including theme editing, custom CSS, and the ability to create custom pages and components using Salesforce’s Lightning Web Components framework.

4. Can Salesforce B2B Commerce handle complex pricing and ordering scenarios? 

Salesforce B2B Commerce is designed to handle complex B2B pricing and ordering scenarios. The platform supports tiered pricing, volume discounts, contract-based pricing, quote management, and bulk ordering. It can also be integrated with CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) solutions for even more advanced pricing and quoting capabilities.

5. How does Salesforce B2B Commerce support personalized experiences for customers? 

Salesforce B2B Commerce enables businesses to create personalized experiences for their customers through features like customer-specific pricing, custom catalogs, and personalized product recommendations based on a customer’s purchase history or account profile. The platform’s integration capabilities also allow for leveraging customer data from CRM and other systems to personalize the buying experience further.