The Ultimate Salesforce Sales and Service AI Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate Salesforce Sales and Service AI Cheat Sheet

In today’s increasingly fast-paced business environment, leveraging AI to streamline sales and service operations makes all the difference in maintaining competitive advantage. Salesforce Einstein is a blanket term for vast AI tools that simplify processes, enhance decision-making, and eradicate time-consuming tasks. 

This blog will walk you through the most impactful Salesforce Sales and Service AI, features to help you better understand how these tools can change your business processes. Let’s get started!

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Sales Einstein: 

1.  Einstein Lead Scoring: Focus on High-Conversion Leads

The sales representatives would never know which leads to follow up and waste time elsewhere by handling mediocre prospects. Einstein Lead Scoring eliminates guesswork as the AI system analyzes historical data assigned scores on the degree of conversion probability of each lead. Through Einstein Lead Scoring, your team would close deals much faster and in a smoother manner, thus ensuring that time and resources are utilized for the best opportunities.

2. Einstein Opportunity Scoring: Prioritize Deals That Really Matter.

In much the same way that lead scoring will help a sales team zero in on potential clients, Einstein Opportunity Scoring can do the same with deals. This makes sense in this regard because scores for each opportunity are provided by the tool based on factors such as deal size, customer engagement, and historical success factors. This way, a sales rep will spend more time and efforts on deals that have a high chance of occurring, leading to a much more strategic and efficient sales pipeline.

3.  Einstein Activity Capture: Autologs Sales Activities for More Accuracy

Sales activity logging in the form of emails, meetings, or calls is a human and arduous labor-susceptible to errors and missed possibilities. Einstein Activity Capture changes the game entirely. It will now automatically log all these activities so that there are no misrecorded interactions on the part of Salesforce and sales representatives will have more time for what truly matters: closing deals.

4. Einstein Automated Contacts: Don’t Miss a Key Contact

Maintaining up-to-date contact information is crucial for effective sales management. Einstein Automated Contacts automatically creates and updates contact records directly from emails and calendar events, ensuring that your CRM always reflects the current information, which helps your sales teams maintain seamless contact with prospects and clients.

5. Einstein Forecasting: Make Data-Driven Sales Predictions

Future sales performance forecasting is necessary for a goal and strategic planning involving setting. Perhaps the most refreshing feature about Einstein Forecasting is how it uses AI to drive precise data-driven historical trends forecasts along with current data. With such a forecast, sales managers can make wise decisions, wisely allocate resources, and set achievable targets.

Related Read – The Ultimate Salesforce Sales and Service Einstein Cheat Sheet

6. Einstein Conversion Insights: Refine Your Approach with Data-Driven Insights

The art of closing more deals lies in knowing what works in your sales conversations. Einstein Conversion Insights will take a close look at conversations and interactions, and it surfaces valuable insights to optimize the tactics of your sales reps. Patterns in successful sales tactics define continued improvement that will lead to greater conversion.

7. Einstein Activity Metrics: Monitor and measure performance

The tracking of sales activities is essential because it shall give you insight as to how the teams are doing and areas of improvements to focus on. The Einstein Activity Metrics allows one to see every activity that the sales representatives do in detail, such as the number of emails, calls, and meetings scheduled. It helps the managers measure productivity, stay informed about who their best performers are, and provide underperformers with focused coaching to bring them up to a level where they can be expected.

8. Email Insights by Einstein: Improve Your Communication Strategy

Without proper communication, sales are unlikely to succeed. Einstein Email Insights helps measure email interactions and provides recommendations on how to optimize communication strategies based on such interactions. Hence, the group of salespeople can learn the emails that bring engagement and those that need such engagement, and upgrade their outreach and keep in touch with potential leads.

9. Einstein Relationship Insights: Building Deeper Connections

In sales, “relationships are everything”. This is exactly what Einstein Relationship Insights does: helps sales teams to understand and manage their relationships with all key stakeholders. Based on the analysis of conversations and engagement levels, this tool provides a total view of the relationship health, enabling sales reps to proactively decide to strengthen connections and close deals faster.

10. Einstein’s Next Best Action: Take the Guesswork Out of Selling

Knowing the next step in a sales process is unpredictable, and with complicated deals, it is close to impossible. Einstein Next Best Action takes the guesswork out of selling by suggesting the next best steps that the sales rep should take, such as sending a follow-up email or scheduling a call. These suggestions will help ensure that your team stays on track to close deals effectively.

11. Buyer Assistant: Real-Time Assistance for Sales Reps

Salespeople who face prospects need quick access to information or even recommendations in the sales process. Buyer Assistant provides real-time support by giving recommendations and insights as reps interact with prospects. Sometimes, it could suggest the best next action or insights into the buyer’s preferences. Einstein Recommended Connections makes it easy for reps to go about their sales processes.

12. Einstein Recommended Connections 

Sales will only be successful with networking. Einstein Recommended Connections helps you to grow more in networking as it picks new possible connection suggestions for the sales team with data insights behind AI-driven recommendations that help reps connect with the right people who can lead to new opportunities and sales.


Einstein Copilot Sales Actions

  1. Find Similar Opportunities: Maximize Sales Success Einstein Copilot helps sales reps find opportunities similar to previously successful deals. Using these patterns and deal characteristics, this feature applies proven strategies to new prospects so that your team can close more deals.
  2. Send Meeting Request: Automate Sales Meeting Scheduling Sales meetings can take much precious time from the representatives. Scheduling these meetings is hectic for sales reps with multiple clients. The Send Meeting Request feature allows automation of the scheduling process, making it easier for reps to schedule meetings with prospects without sending each other messages many times over.
  3. Draft & Edit Sales Emails: Email Communication Composition and editing sales emails are really time-consuming. Einstein Copilot will let reps draft and edit emails using suggestions powered by AI to craft messages that are both engaging and personalized. This is an efficiency winner that cuts down on email communication errors.
  4. Call Explorer: Analyze and Enhance Your Sales Call Talking sales call talking is one of the most important parts of a sales cycle; Call Explorer provides an insight into how calls are going. By going through data on a call, the tool identifies strengths and areas that need improvement, thus helping a sales representative perfect his approach to getting better and closer engagement from the prospects.
  5. Sales Summaries: Stay in Organizational Mode with Sales Activity Recaps Here’s why keeping track of all the sales activities and interactions is important to stay in some kind of order- Sales Summaries will automatically generate recaps of sales activities so managers and reps can quickly review any key milestones and make informed decisions.
  6. Forecast Guidance-Receiving: Data-Based Forecast Suggestions A reliable prediction allows scope for long-term planning. From the Forecast Guidance, the AI-driven suggestion of the sales force regards how to improve the accuracy of their sales forecast. The advice of this guidance tool is based on the history of data and market trends to set achievable targets.
  7. Meeting Follow-up: Automating Action After Meetings It is vital to do follow-ups after meetings with nurse leads. Einstein Copilot offers to automate all those action follow-ups on the meeting. Whether it’s sending the “thanks so much” email or scheduling the next call. Thus, every opportunity is recovered due to timely follow-ups.
  8. Close Plan: Develop a Pre-Close Strategy Every close needs strategic thinking. Using Close Plan, the sales rep can develop plans for all the opportunities they create and track activities to ensure they make all moves necessary to close deals as efficiently as possible.
  9. Custom Actions: End customers engineer automated sales activities. Every sales process is unique, and with Einstein Copilot, teams can now create Custom Actions to fulfill their exact requirements. Whether it is automating a specific workflow or customizing follow-up sequences, this feature allows it to be tailored to your team’s exact sales strategy.

Generative AI

Automatic Contact Enrichments: Maintain Contact Data Current Keeping your contact data current is essential for successful sales outreach. Generative AI automatically enriches your contact information with relevant data, which expands the profiles in your CRM to full and maximum accuracy and depth.

  1. Call Summaries: Drive Key Insights from Every Sales Call After every sales call, the Generative AI creates call summaries that pinpoint key points and insights discussed. These call summaries help organize sales reps and provide an easy reference for future conversations without taking out a notebook to write down everything.
  2. Call Explorer: Analyze Sales Call Effectiveness Like Einstein Copilot, Generative AI’s Call Explorer gives you a deep analysis of the sales calls. With this, you get recommendations generated based on AI for optimizing call effectiveness, so your reps never go off track.
  3. Sales Signals: Monitor Key Indicators Finding and acting on the right sales signals at the right time makes all the difference in between closing and missing a deal. Generative AI can pick up on key signals such as prospect engagement or readiness-to-buy, guiding the sales team to the appropriate next steps at the right time.
  4. Insights into Conversations: Generating sales through generative conversations. Generative AI analyzes and generates insights from sales conversations to help refine sales teams’ communication strategy. Whether it is the identification of the key objections or understanding of customer preferences, it gives the sales team an upper hand in negotiations.
  5. Einstein Sales Emails : Save the time spent in writing a compelling sales email, and allow the AI to draft professional, personalized, custom-fit email drafts for every prospect. This saves you a lot of time but also chances of getting that lead will be increased because it is done by AI.
  6. Sales Summaries: Stay on Top of Your Sales Activities In addition to activity logging, Generative AI provides Sales Summaries which give a concise overview of all active sales communications. This keeps managers and reps aligned on the current steps taken and next actions that will improve smooth collaboration and communication.
  7. Partner Sales Emails: Siding with Partner emails Lots of firms today need their sales team to collaborate with other parties to finalize deals. Generative AI lets you compose emails based on the type of partnership, so you can rest assured that the communication sent over is professional, clear, and targeted to generate mutual success.

Service Einstein:

1. Einstein Bots: Automate Customer Interactions for Faster Responses

Handling a large volume of customer inquiries can be overwhelming for support teams. Einstein Bots automate customer interactions by providing instant responses to common queries. These bots can handle routine requests like password resets or order status updates, freeing up agents to focus on more complex cases. With Einstein Bots, customers receive quick, accurate responses, improving their overall experience while reducing the workload on your service team.

2. Einstein Case Classification: Automatically Route Cases to the Right Agents

Not all customer inquiries are the same, and ensuring that cases are handled by the right agent is crucial for timely resolution. Einstein Case Classification uses AI to automatically categorize incoming cases based on the content and urgency, then routes them to the most appropriate agent. This ensures that cases are addressed by agents with the right expertise, leading to faster resolutions and higher customer satisfaction.

3. Einstein Case Routing: Intelligent Case Distribution

Einstein Case Routing further optimizes case distribution by considering each agent’s expertise and current workload. By assigning cases to the most suitable agent, based on real-time factors, this tool ensures that support teams are working efficiently without being overwhelmed. This leads to better resource management and quicker case resolutions.

4. Einstein Case Wrap-Up: Streamline the Case Closure Process

Closing cases efficiently is just as important as resolving them. Einstein Case Wrap-Up helps agents streamline the case closure process by automatically generating case summaries and next steps. This ensures that every case is wrapped up neatly, with all necessary follow-ups documented, saving agents time and effort.

5. Einstein Article Recommendations: Empower Agents with Relevant Information

When agents are handling customer issues, having the right information at their fingertips can make all the difference. Einstein Article Recommendations suggests relevant knowledge base articles to agents based on the context of the case. This feature helps agents resolve cases faster by providing them with the most relevant information without needing to search manually.

6. Einstein Reply Recommendations: Speed Up Response Times with Suggested Replies

Einstein Reply Recommendations analyzes previous responses and provides agents with suggested replies to common customer questions. By automating routine replies, this tool helps agents respond faster and more consistently, improving the overall efficiency of the support team.

7. Einstein Work Summaries: Improve Context and Follow-Up

Maintaining a complete view of customer interactions is key to providing excellent service. Einstein Work Summaries generate comprehensive summaries of customer interactions, helping agents stay up to date on case histories and follow-up actions. This feature ensures that no important details are missed, improving the quality of customer follow-ups.

8. Service AI Grounding: Ensure Relevant and Accurate Responses

One of the challenges of AI in customer service is ensuring that responses are accurate and contextually relevant. Service AI Grounding enhances the accuracy of AI-driven recommendations and responses by grounding them in real-time data and context. This ensures that the AI-powered responses align with the specific needs of each customer interaction, leading to more personalized and helpful service.

9. Einstein Service Replies: Automate Routine Customer Service Emails

Handling routine customer service emails can take up a significant portion of agents’ time. Einstein Service Replies automates these responses by generating accurate and helpful replies to common customer inquiries. This frees up agents to focus on more complex issues while still providing timely responses to routine questions.

10. Einstein Knowledge Creation: Build a Rich Knowledge Base Automatically

Maintaining an up-to-date knowledge base is crucial for efficient customer service. Einstein Knowledge Creation automates the creation and updating of knowledge base articles based on case resolutions. As agents resolve cases, the AI-driven tool extracts key information and generates articles, ensuring that your knowledge base evolves in real-time to reflect new solutions and insights.

11. Einstein Next Best Action: Guide Agents to Resolve Issues Faster

Knowing the next best step to take when resolving a customer issue can significantly improve resolution times. Einstein Next Best Action provides agents with real-time, AI-driven recommendations for resolving cases. Whether it’s suggesting follow-up actions or escalating a case, this tool helps agents make informed decisions quickly, ensuring that cases are resolved efficiently.

12. Einstein Recommendation Builder: Customize AI-Driven Recommendations

Every service process is unique, and Einstein Recommendation Builder allows companies to customize and build AI-driven recommendations that fit their specific workflows. This flexibility ensures that the AI tools are aligned with your organization’s service goals, leading to more personalized and effective support.

Einstein Copilot Service Actions: Streamlining Service Efficiency

  1. Conversation Summaries: Get Quick Overviews of Customer Interactions Keeping track of ongoing customer conversations can be challenging, especially when handling multiple inquiries simultaneously.  
  2. Knowledge Answers: Deliver Accurate Responses from Your Knowledge Base The ability to provide instant, accurate answers to customer queries is crucial for maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction. 
  3. Custom Actions: Tailor Service Automation to Your Needs Every service department operates differently, and Custom Actions allows you to create personalized, automated workflows that match your specific processes.  

Generative AI: Empowering Customer Service with Advanced AI Solutions

  1. Service AI Grounding: Increase the Accuracy of AI-Driven Responses One of the main challenges in AI-driven customer service is ensuring the accuracy of automated responses. Service AI Grounding improves the contextual accuracy of AI-generated answers by grounding them in real-time customer data and the specific context of each interaction.  
  2. Search Answers for Agents and Customers: Quick Access to Information Providing quick and accurate answers is essential for both customers and agents. Search Answers for Agents and Customers leverages AI to help both parties find relevant information faster.  
  3. Knowledge Creation: Automate the Building of a Comprehensive Knowledge Base As customer issues are resolved, valuable information is gained. Knowledge Creation automates the process of capturing this knowledge by generating knowledge base articles from case resolutions. 
  4. Service Replies: Automate Responses to Routine Inquiries Handling routine customer inquiries can take up a significant amount of agents’ time. Service Replies automatically generates responses to common queries, such as order status updates or account information requests.  
  5. Work Summaries: Create Detailed Overviews of Service Activities Maintaining detailed records of customer interactions and service activities is essential for follow-up and long-term relationship building. Work Summaries automatically generate comprehensive summaries of all interactions and tasks associated with a case.  
  6. Generative AI Surveys: Design AI-Powered Surveys for Customer Feedback Gathering customer feedback is crucial for improving service delivery. Generative AI Surveys allows companies to quickly design and distribute AI-generated surveys that are tailored to specific customer interactions. 


With Salesforce Einstein, automate tasks, enhance decision-making, and simplify processes for your sales and service teams. Integrate these features to improve overall efficiency and provide better customer experiences.

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